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Cheldan Cares

June 25, 2020

Building a "TOWER" of Hope

Torre Fuerte means “strong tower” and is based on the biblical principals of Jesus Christ being the strength, foundation and solace of our lives. Even in the storms, amidst the chaos, He stands steadfast, carrying us through any challenge we may face.

These themes greatly influence the work currently underway at the Torre Fuerte Girls’ Home in Peru. Headed by the dynamic duo, Shelly and Steve Hopkins, co-directors of Latin Equip, the school is a refuge for young girls escaping horrifying and traumatizing cases of trafficking and abuse. The girls seeking shelter often range in age, from young children to young adults, and are typically orphaned by their circumstances. Shelly and Steven have swung open the doors of Torre Fuerte to welcome these girls to a new home, filled with unconditional love, joy, and the good news of Christ.

Cheldan’s co-founders, Joey & Kayemille Goss, were called to aid in the construction and development of a school for the young residents of Torre Fuerte. Through extensive fundraising efforts and the use of Cheldan Homes’ funds, the non-profit was just able to open its doors! The girls of Torre Fuerte are able to attend the school at no cost while other young students of the community attend at very little cost.

“The girls in the orphanage have been rescued from a life of abuse, hunger, human trafficking, or a combination of all three. Now they are able to attend school in the same loving, Christ centered environment provided at the home, without fear of the mistreatment they often received – even from teachers- at the public school,” explained the Latin Equip newsletter in regard to the school’s opening.

“The girls from the home are elated to have a school of their very own. They had faced mistreatment from other students at the school they were attending because they are orphans. Here, they are in their own element, and so happy,” explains Latin Equip co-director Shelly Hopkins. “The girls have a home with people who love them and a school to educate them. “

With the completion of the girls home and the school, the young women are able to prepare for life after Torre Fuerte. Two of the young women have already moved on to college, one studying nursing and the other completing courses for culinary school.

Next year, the organization expects to welcome an even larger student body. As classes grow, a new grade will be added with teachers suitable for the higher levels of learnings. Additionally, through the generosity of Cheldan Homes and several other benefactors, Latin Equip plans to open a vocational school complete with volunteer teachers from the community and free tuition to help prepare the Torre Fuerte girls for life after they leave the home.

“We are so appreciative of all that Joey and Kayemille have done to bring this miracle about,” said Shelly.

As a Latin Equip partner in this cause, Cheldan Homes is integral in something much larger than just construction. Through your purchase of a Cheldan Home, YOU are helping to support the healing, growth, and development of young women in Peru. We thank you for helping us to be a part of spreading the Good Word!

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